Tuesday, November 28, 2006

dusting the ice of Alaska

Oh, India. My job, one of them, is to basically make things legible that were transcribed by people in India. This current interview I am editing is particularly full of humorous mistakes. For instance:

Interviewer: Since the day-to-day is in other hands, what now for yourself occupies most of your time?
Interviewee: Still as of today, we are still in negotiations with Anglo, basically finishing off the transaction and most of it is in the hands of lawyers at the moment. This is older days when lawyers are finishing off dusting the ice of Alaska, and we are very close to consummating the arrangement.

How it should read:
Interviewer: Since the day-to-day operations are in other hands, what now for yourself occupies most of your time?
Interviewee: As of today, we are still in negotiations with Anglo, basically finishing off the transaction. Most of it is in the hands of lawyers at the moment. These are older days when lawyers are finishing dotting the i’s and all that stuff. We are very close to consummating the arrangement.

There is something so absurd about this job, this process of outsourcing transcription to India, only for me to have to basically rewrite the whole thing. I saw The History Boys last night and am thinking about that, about boys, about books, basically about everything but this job.

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