Friday, May 31, 2002


Twelve minutes until we are supposed to leave to walk home to go see Y Tu Mama, which shows at 9:20. We tried to go see it last night, but didn't know where the theater was and did not get there on time. Other things we have missed due to tardiness: a book reading last night by a gigolo, and a poetry reading tonight which started at 6:30. We thought that we would be able to get there on time because we left our house at 6:00, and assumed that it was only a ten-fifteen minute walk to campus, but found out that it was a 34 minute walk to the library, which is at the bottom of State Street. The book store was still further up State Street. When we finally got to it twenty mintues late, we decided just to skip it, rather than to walk in so late. We picked up job applications from Sedona, talked to the people at the vegetarian restaurant about jobs, and went to the porn store to check on our applications. Then we decided to eat at Noodles and Company since everytime we pass it, we always see cute, hip people sitting in the windows. The food was yummy and we sat in the windows so we could people watch. People that we wished we were friends with. People that we wished we were more than friends with.

Five mintues now until I am supposed to leave with Bonnie. And now it is three minutes - between Bonnie and And exists two minutes. Two whole minutes where I sat, stared at the computer screen, and thought about what I wanted to write, about if I even did, and about who, my friend, who wrote the book of love. About doo-wop singers with breakbeats and how weird time juxtaposed against another is. And yeah, I'll take you as you are, Joni, even though you've been with another man, because I have to. Sometimes things are just like that when you can't get the pickle jar open and there's no one else in the house to ask to help you, and you really want the fucking pickle, and curse machinary that makes it so hard to open a fucking jar of food - food that you should be eating - that you're digestive system should already be digesting by now. And you consider breaking the bottle against the countertop, but you don't and you know you won't, but you still consider it, as something you would like to if you weren't so scared of broken glass.

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